Monday, April 2, 2018

Welcome Back from Break!

Welcome Back from Break!    April 4 K-12 meetings

K-8 Earth day meetings
9-12 US Division meeting

7 Mantras to Start your Day

Spring Meditations to take care of ourselves!

Today’s post is written by contributor Chelsea Becker, a San Diego native, living and writing in San Francisco. Follow her on Instagram & Pinterest
Starting your day off on the right foot is a sure-fire way to guarantee at least a little productivity and a whole lot of positivity. Along with having a filling, nutritious breakfast, another thing you can do is find a few mantras that will not only help you feel like you’re ready to seize the day, but like anything is possible. And that your actions will make a difference! I’ve put together seven—one for each day of the week.

I am enough
This is a big one. Sure, it’s only three little words, but it packs a big punch as far as self-confidence goes. Reminding yourself of your value and abilities, especially if you’re having a tough time at work or feeling unsure about your career path, is crucial. I like to recite this mantra on Mondays before I dive into work for the week—or if I find myself in a Instagram comparison hole.

Today I will be my best self

There are a lot of ways to be your best self—professionally or personally. Maybe you’ve had a rough week and are tempted to take your frustrations out on the wrong person. Saying this mantra can help redirect your day and remind you to always be the best version of yourself. You never know how doing this could possibly help someone else in the process!

Today I will positively impact someone’s life

I love giving way more than I love receiving. Encouraging myself to remember this (especially around the holidays) is important to me, but not just for gift giving. You can have a positive impact on someone in endless ways, so if you have the opportunity to even help someone carry their groceries in, give it a go.

I choose happiness, creativity and love

It’s easy to wake up on the wrong side of the bed and let that mood stay with you throughout the day. Nip it in the bud right away and recite this mantra during your morning meditation (or when doing your makeup) to reset.

I am grateful

Waking up and starting your day with a big ‘thank you’ to the universe is an amazing feeling. This is one of my personal favorites because I hate feeling like I’m taking anything for granted, even though it happens more than I’d like to admit. This is a mantra that puts things in perspective.  

There is good in the world and today I will contribute to it

These days, even turning on the TV or scrolling through social media can be tough. Every once in a while, we all need a little reminder that there is indeed good in the world. Consciously choosing to see that good in situations and then contributing to it can only lead to a more fulfilling day.

Today I will slow down and consciously enjoy life

This is also a big one for me! I can get so wrapped up in work and to do lists that I forget to slow down and enjoy myself. I like to recite this one on Saturdays or Sundays so I can mentally prepare myself to not check emails or get caught up in a work project, but just relax with friends and family.

Lead with Languages- ask a colleague, what did you do in class today? Click below and look at a sampling of activities in our classes. Share some of your class photos with the blog!

            Chinese        French          Latin         Spanish

Don't forget that using infographics is a great beginning reading tool! 
Infografías en español

Students can also make their own using many different types of software like Piktochart. 

Giving Feedback
Developing Students' Ability to Give and Take Effective Feedback

On writing assignments:

From a Spanish teacher on one of my list servs- 
Over the years, I have learned that it’s a waste to give feedback and edit every writing assignment. I give every student a packet of all the rubrics for each part of the exam and they compare the grade they get to that rubric. I will also type out a list of errors that I see as I grade that particular writing and give it to the students. They can rewrite any writing as often as they wish for a better grade. I have found that this is the most effective way for students to better their writing. Also, it’s important that as a department it is understood that at every level these same skills have to be taught in order to focus on polishing these skills once they get to AP. 
¡Buena suerte y no te rompas mucho la cabeza! You got this!

Listening skills
Audio Lingua- EXCELLENT!

Fishbowl interpersonal speaking
Click here
A group of students in the center "fishbowl" speak on a certain topic, and the rest of the students on the outside listen. Students rotate in, so everyone gets a chance to talk. 

A Podcast about World Languages, Education, and Curriculum

Listen to our New Podcast: The Language Classroom 
We are pleased to introduce to you our new podcast series, The Language Classroom. Hosted by Fuel Education's very own Andréanne King, The Language Classroom is a podcast about world languages, education, and how to design the curriculum for your classroom.

Click here to get started with Episode 1, which talks about proficiency levels. What are proficiency levels and how can they help you tailor your learning objectives so students can make the most of their time in the classroom?

And if you have questions about Fuel Education's world languages course catalog, don't hesitate to contact us!

Upcoming Conferences:

ONLINE COURSE Introduction to Intercultural Studies: Intercultural Contact


SYA Professional Development:
In June 2018, for the third year in a row, SYA will be offering an Adult Enrichment seminar on the campus in Zaragoza, Spain. The title of the seminar is: 100 Years of Politics in Spanish Film. As SYA did last year, they will offer a $1,000 discount to any Member School employee who attends.

Blog question: Did you use or develop your language skills over the break? 

Potomac News:
On Tuesday, the sixth grade visited GALA Hispanic Theatre in DC to see the bilingual play Volcano, which focuses on stories and folktales from El Salvador. The field trip launched sixth graders' study of the Mesoamerican countries in Spanish class.

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Spring Break!

WL Meeting postponed 3:30-4:30 Division meetings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------...