Monday, October 2, 2017

Language and Identity: Interculturality Intersection

Upcoming meeting:

Wednesday October 4th 3:30-4:40
in IS room 184
Introductions of new faculty
International travel discussion
Intercultural competence- icebreaker

Language and Identity

Culture vs interculturality

This graphic shows that language and culture are so closely linked together that they should not be taught separately. The language reflects the culture and the culture reflects the language. In order for the learner to get the full experience of the culture, it must be through the language.

The word culture refers to the productspractices, and perspectives of a target group of people or target cultureInterculturality is the interaction of people from different cultures, and the understanding of another culture so that the language used is appropriate to the context and audience.

Linguafolio link

Importance of Interculturality

INTERCULTURALITY IS THE INTERACTION OF PEOPLE FROM DIFFERENT CULTURAL BACKGROUNDS using authentic language appropriately in a way that demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the cultures. It is the ability to experience the culture of another person and to be open minded, interested, and curious about that person and culture. Language learners must be able to evaluate personal feelings, thoughts, perceptions, and reactions in order to understand another culture and use that experience to reflect on their own life and surroundings.
In order to communicate successfully, language learners must be able to relate appropriately to their audience. They should be able to react and respond appropriately to their own personal feelings, attitudes, and perceptions as well as those of people of other cultures.

Reflecting on experiences in which they interact with others of different cultures helps the learners analyze and learn from each experience. Intercultural experiences provide the most meaningful opportunities for developing capacity in a language.

Retooling a lesson
Looking at this article we can reshape our lesson to include an intercultural aspect.  Follow through by asking yourself these questions.

Does the activity target a specific range of language proficiency?

Does the activity provide background cultural knowledge and context?

Does the activity provide an opportunity for learners to use culturally authentic materials/resources and communicate with speakers of the language?

How is the blending of language performance and cultural knowledge (interculturality) assessed? 

Are learners given time and guidance to self-assess and reflect on their interculturality?

Rubrics    Can Do Statements

Summary/Reflection   Templates for Reflection

Classroom Thoughts:
Building Bridges resource in Chinese and Spanish
If you are planning on taking one of your US classes to the Lower or Middle School, this may be a resource for them to teach to the younger set.  There are picture books and more!
Epic Children's Books

Movement in Classrooms
Why Kids Shouldn't Sit Still

Explaining ADHD to Teachers
As a continuation of last year's PD on learning differences, I am sharing with you a resource from ADDitude magazine. Thanks to Beth Bailey for forwarding the poster. If you are not aware of ADDitude magazine, I would highly recommend it to you. It focuses on ADHD research and learning disabilities.
Click for article

Tech Corner:

Free streaming to 100 countries around the world in many languages. It also has radio.

LEAF Project- French and Spanish
Language learning materials in organized charts and indexes.

Free online digital magazines!! Put your language into the search box!

WL News:
School Year Abroad will be on campus!
There will be an opportunity to ask questions at US E and F lunch this Friday.  Remember that this is an opportunity for our students in all four languages going from sophomore to junior year!
Beijing, China
Viterbo, Italy (Latin and Italian)
Rennes, France
Zaragoza, Spain
This year, Potomac began a partnership with School Year Abroad (SYA), an organization that provides qualified high school students the opportunity to study in Italy, Spain, France, or China. SYA participants are immersed in the language and culture of their host countries. Henry Page '19 (pictured here with his host family) is spending his junior year in Zaragoza, Spain, as SYA's Ángel Vilalta Scholar -- an honor that recognizes his achievements and interest in Spanish language and culture. Everyone at Potomac wishes Henry a great year!


Spring Break!

WL Meeting postponed 3:30-4:30 Division meetings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------...