Monday, January 13, 2020

January- Hit the reset button

January 15 meeting 3:30-4:30
Location: US Room E223
Agenda: all
5 minutes Governor’s School and SYA updates, announcements
15 minutes 2 out of 3 trips (Spain/Morocco and Quebec) offered this year
that we know won’t run-- What are the factors at play?
Trips committee discussing a teacher travel stipend Data sheet 
Full group round table discussion
40 minutes  Team time: 
Review US course proposals-- Spanish next year, any others?
2020-21 Placement discussion begin and continue into February

Betsy from Creative Teacher

Hey there, Creative Teacher,
Welcome! I'm glad you're here. You're the kind of teacher who cares enough to comb the internet for great lessons, and that means we have a lot in common. So grab a glass of wine and join me for a few minutes of introductions and pure lesson planning gold. Unless of course you're at work, in which case I hope you've got one of those extra-large coffee mugs waiting.

So take a virtual stroll through these posts, and get ready to discover something that will bring joy and creativity into your classroom ASAP. You might just fall into a rabbit hole of creative inspiration, and there's nothing wrong with that!
(Some great ideas- even though it says ELA, we can take the idea and run with it!)

Three Teaching Strategies to Try 
From The Cult of Pedagogy

Reciprocal Learning
This cooperative learning strategy is great for any content that might require students to do practice exercises that have clear answers. It sets students up to coach one another in that practice.
Mind's Eye
This pre-reading strategy primes students' minds by having them visualize key words from the reading and guess their significance.
Inductive Learning
Perfect for the kind of content that you might typically teach by giving a rule, then showing examples. This strategy reverses the process, having students look at examples first, then trying to determine the rule that governs them.

Podcasts for PD in your car!
10 Episodes for Inspiration

Diana's pick: 
Sketchnotes are Awesome, with Mike Rohde

Sketchnotes are an effective way to help students apply their own critical thinking to everything they hear at school. Instead of writing down notes verbatim, students process as they jot down their takeaways in sketchnotes. Studies also show that combining verbal and visual cues in the note-taking process makes the information more memorable to students. Listen in on this interview with Mike Rohde, the inventor of sketchnotes, to learn more.


Powerful Teaching Tool or Classroom Management Nightmare? 

4 Tips About TikTok
The TikTok video-sharing platform is becoming increasingly popular with tweens and teens, and some teachers have started using it in their classrooms. What do educators need to know?
1. TikTok can be an engaging way to liven up a lesson. It’s a possible alternative to other video platforms, one California educator said.
2. TikTok has the potential to become a bullying platform, in part because users can comment on each other’s videos, and because some users post other people’s videos on YouTube for the express purpose of making fun of them.
3. Some privacy advocates have concerns about students sharing their data on any social media platform because it’s unclear what companies do with it.
4. Like other social media platforms, TikTok has a dark side. Some videos are highly sexually explicit, or feature self-harm.

Read more

SYA Core Competencies
The SYA Core Competencies are a collection of 22 student skills in seven competency areas. These competencies represent over a year of work by SYA faculty to identify an array of skills that are uniquely well-suited to the environment abroad. These skills go well beyond the traditional academic environment to challenge students in ways only possible at SYA.
Take a look at what they are and think about our department mission and philosophy documents:   SYA Core Competencies

Project Zero Courses/Workshops:

Join our team, apply today!


We are passionate about bringing a world-class language immersion experience to rising 8th grade through 12th grade graduated students. Our dedicated team is comprised of a rich and diverse group of talented professionals with expertise ranging from language education, curriculum, and residential life.
We have seasonal positions available at one US-based Academy in Colchester, Vermont and seasonal positions at our study abroad sites in Granada, Spain, Salamanca, Spain, Beijing, China, and Nantes, France.
If you have any questions about employment, please call 802-458-9242 or send an email to

Take advantage of our unique summer professional learning opportunities to elevate global perspectives and learning of complex global issues throughout your school. Join a group of professional peers, bring back practical tools, and prepare your students for an interconnected world. 
UNDERSTANDING CHINA TODAY // China, Various Locations // June 20-30, 2020
Educators will deepen their understanding of the evolving dynamics of today’s China through diverse speakers, dialogue, and school visits in several distinct regions of China and leave with the tools to engage students and our schools.
Audience: Teachers of China (history/literature/global issues/economics); school leaders
Cost: $2,900 members, $3,200 non-members (includes all ground costs and domestic flights in China but not international flights)

Together with the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, participants will explore the interconnection between climate change, conservation, and economic development in Panama using ongoing environmental issues and scientific research as a platform for bringing global issues into the classroom.
Audience: Science, Global Issues teachers; sustainability leaders
Cost: $1,900 members, $2,100 non-members (includes all ground costs but not international flights)

MIDDLE SCHOOL CURRICULUM DESIGN // Boston, MA // July 20-22, 2020
Teachers and curriculum leaders will explore research around global competency and case studies of middle school classrooms where techniques have been implemented. Participants will engage in curriculum design workshops and leave with new curricular units designed to further individual school goals.
Audience: 5th-8th grade teachers and curriculum leaders, all disciplines welcome
Cost: $950 members, $1,200 non-members (housing not included)

News around the Language Hallways:

Sponsor a Middle School Club between 11:30 -12:15
Languages in the School:
Middle School Chinese Culture Club
Mrs. Liu
Grades: 4-6
During lunch and recess
Open membership
Room 62 - JH4
St. Nicholas Day

Last week, seventh grade French students were surprised and delighted to discover that the shoes they left outside of class had been filled with traditional gingerbread, oranges, and other goodies – St. Nicholas must have snuck by! St. Nicholas Day is celebrated in this manner on December 6 in many European countries; the event often kicks off the season’s holiday traditions.

Students in French class
Inspired by their experiences with debate at Potomac, French 2 students developed persuasive arguments on the integrity of a contentious character from the text they are currently reading. As in any debate, the students prepared notes to support their case but also had to think on their feet to respond spontaneously en français.

French caroling party
This week, IS French students welcomed in the winter season, sharing traditional songs and spreading holiday cheer as they caroled throughout the MS, IS, and LS. They were rewarded by a French feast of crêpes, quiche, bûche de Noël, and other traditional fare, prepared by parents and teachers. The class also welcomed two special guests: master crepe-makers Potomac and IS French alumna Isabel Agolini ’17 and parent Susan Agolini! Merci à tous!

Before leaving for Winter Break, our eighth grade Chinese language students took an immersive field trip to a Chinese grocery store. They practiced their speaking skills by participating in a scavenger hunt, interviewing customers, and purchasing some tasty snacks. The class finished up their day by visiting a Chinese restaurant.

Spring Break!

WL Meeting postponed 3:30-4:30 Division meetings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------...