Friday, October 11, 2019

Let's see our thinking!

October 16 th meeting agenda UIS Chinese room E214
Please note... only US teachers until 4pm and then whole group from 4-4:30

3:30 US Continue TLC discussion (Ariston for 10 minutes and discussion to follow)
4:00 All transition and Atlas work
Please bring computers

Click on the blue links.
Startalk Activities in the three modes Excellent free resource!
What is Startalk?
STARTALK’s mission is to increase the number of Americans learning, speaking, and teaching critical need foreign languages by offering students (K–16) and teachers of these languages creative and engaging summer experiences that strive to exemplify best practices in language education and in language teacher development, forming an extensive community of practice that seeks continuous improvement in such criteria as outcomes-driven program design, standards-based curriculum planning, learner-centered approaches, excellence in selection and development of materials, and meaningful assessment of outcomes. is a website created by Chris Hammer, a world language curriculum specialist and a grade 2-8 Spanish teacher. has several features but the one I'll focus on in this post is the DrawRoom with Game Mode and Conversation Mode. (Other features of the site allow the teacher to create a video in which the teacher records himself asking a question and then sets a time limit for how long the student has to answer the recorded questions, somewhat similar to what CLEAR by Michigan State University used to have.)
Read more

Say Hello to FluentKey

Bring your class to life with interactive videos. Now in Spanish, French, Chinese and English.

Sketchnoting Resources for Teachers
Making learning visual- 
Click for powerful ideas!

Rachel S. Smith used to get in trouble in school for Sketchnoting. Now she does it for a living, Sketchnoting during group meetings. It helps the group see what their work in a way that's not normally possible in a meeting, it lets them see the big picture together and make connections between pieces of information that come up at different times in a meeting.
Rachel makes the case that "when you use visual note-taking, you have to listen to what's being said, you have to really hear it, and you have to understand it. Because that's the only way you're going to come up with an image to connect what you're hearing with what you already know". Using Sketchnoting "creates a personal visual memory aid that they can study from later".
Starting at 6:35, Rachel tells the story of how visual note-taking worked for her niece and how it got her out of a detention. 

Google Earth brings you languages!
Users of Google Earth are now able to hear over 50 Indigenous language speakers from across the globe saying words and simple phrases and even singing traditional songs.  Read more

Making Languages our Business

Read the full ACTFL report: For U.S. employers, the demand for foreign language skills is greater than ever before. Whether it’s in the boardroom, in the field, with customers and partners, or on social media, companies today are increasingly more likely to conduct business in a language other than English. Consequently, a command in multiple languages is a valuable asset for U.S. students and employees—not only in boosting their marketability in the workplace, but in helping them thrive in a global economy. Read more

For a short summary, look here. A new survey, released today, calls attention to the serious foreign language skills gap in the U.S. workforceLanguages Critical to US Employers

ELEVATE courses
Upcoming courses and conference presentations happening at Elevate.

  • We have launched a new, credit-bearing online course! This is an incredibly low-cost (~ $5/week!) way to engage in high-quality professional development in a non-overwhelming way. It is a one-year course; we are accepting participants in the 2019-2020 cohort until Nov. 1. is delivered in biweekly modules that average only 20 minutes + alternate week resources that connect to the modules. The title is Teaching with Culturally Responsive Comprehensible Input and we have our very own title and course number with University of the Pacific; 1-4 graduate-level credits available. To register and learn more, go to

  • Early-bird registration is open through October 15 for our monthly job-embedded in-person professional development series Teaching with Comprehensible Input: The Why, What and How (level 1); and Teaching with Comprehensible Input: Taking Your Skills to the Next Level—Building a Culturally Responsive Classroom (level 2). You can get more information and see which level is right for you, and to register, by going to: (Graduate-level credits available)
  • We are excited to be presenting at TCI Maine later this month. We’ve been asked to share TWO presentations in plenary sessions: Building Diversity-Positive Characters in TPRS Stories and Creating a Cultural Treasure Trove: Teaching Culture without Stereotyping. 
  • We’ll be at ACTFL this year! Stop by the CI Posse exhibit table at ACTFL to see us (we’ll be doing small presentations there on Friday afternoon & Saturday morning on Teaching with Culturally Responsive CI and Small Change, Big Impact: The Power of Adjectives. We’ll also be doing an official ACTFL presentation Sunday morning at 8 am on Making Authentic Resources Comprehensible in the Early Levels. 

We are looking forward to providing you solid, sustained support this year as you continue on your culturally responsive CI journey. 

Vista News:
Hi all,
With back to school in full swing, I wanted to send out a reminder that I'm here to provide any support you may need or help fulfill your sampling needs. I’m excited to partner with you to provide the best instructional materials that will empower you to succeed.
My goal is to understand the needs of you and your students while providing programs that offer:
  • A seamless integration of text and technology
  • Engaging authentic cultural resources
  • Superior customer support
Please take a moment to explore our catalog and let me know if you would like to sample any materials for your classroom!
Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you may have, I'm here to help!
Warmest Regards,

Learn more about Cheryl

zaragoza girls
Three Potomac juniors are participating in the School Year Abroad (SYA)-Zaragoza program in Spain this year. Sarah Erickson, Lucy Goldberg, and Sophie Tolson have been doing fieldwork activities to get to know their way around the city and meet people at SYA. Outside of school, the juniors have been visiting pueblos, cheering at host brothers’ soccer games, and exploring museums – one of which displays some impressive archeological remains of imperial Rome. They also attended a soccer game for the official city team, Real Zaragoza. The above picture, which features Sophie (left) and Sarah, was taken on the bridge in front of the Basilica del Pilar.

Pictures from SYA France- Rennes

Isabelle and Cindy on their summer enrichment program

Dans la classe



Paw Prints!
Students at the GALA Hispanic Theatre
On Friday, the AP Spanish language and AP Spanish literature classes visited the GALA Hispanic Theatre in DC to see a production of the Spanish baroque masterpiece La vida es sueño (Life is a Dream). Students enjoyed this fast-paced, dynamic play that raises questions on the nature of reality, our perceptions, and the role of destiny in our lives. ¡Fantástico!

Spring Break!

WL Meeting postponed 3:30-4:30 Division meetings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------...