Monday, January 7, 2019

Ring in the New Year! January 2019

Department meeting- Wednesday, January 9th
3:30-4:30  IS Latin room 187
Ace Everett, service learning connections in our classes
Announcement- Emily- January 30 Chinese visitors
Presentational (samples) Click below
Presentational Communication Instructional Strategies
World Language sequence level time

Brain Break Calendar! Print this

Curriculum Committee Initiatives:
These are items that the US Curriculum Committee is discussing to help make teachers lives better.  Stay tuned for more information and dates.

  • Possible release time (half day) for US for comments- less class time-moving comment cycle (and grades) back by a week
  • Release day for teachers with many college recommendations (individual)
  • There are long term goals being looked at like levels of change (master transcript/schedule change are long term goals)
  • Also, short term goals like making use of campus and local areas, time for faculty to socialize across departments, more time and training with learning support, understanding beyond ap more, homework amount, more department meeting time
  • Please take field trips- use Laura Miller as a resource for field trips (alum)
  • Jen Durham to come to a department meeting
  • Atlas updates- Academic deans will change over the new/old teachers 
  • Time needed (professional development)
  • Team Time
  • Searches: Atlas Keywords for use in updates: Keywords for searches: Authentic materials, tests, quizzes, recycling, listening, reading, writing, speaking, culture
  • Consistency and Teaching- Co taught classes should- give same assessments, give assessments on same day, return at the same time, give back within a certain number of class days, teachers tell students how much an assignment is worth, students may ask their average in class, assessment evaluation consistency

Intercultural Activities

Part of our job is loading our little darlings up with comprehensible input.  The other part of our job is educating students, their parents and our administrators about comprehensible input and language acquisition theory, because chances are they’re expecting a more traditional approach. And I’ve found that if your parents and admin understand CI, you’ll get a lot more support. And the time to inform them in before there’s a concern. Proactive beats reactive every time, people!
I wrote this letter for  parents, explaining what we do in our classes and why we do it in parent friendly language. Feel free to make a copy and edit it to make it work for you!  I generally pass it out at Back to School night, so they have something to read while they’re waiting for the fun to begin. But you might want to send it home at the beginning of the year with your syllabus. Speaking of your syllabus…if you’re looking for some inspiration, here’s mine!
Are ya’ll back in school yet or still soaking up the last bits of Summertime goodness? My first contract day is Wednesday already (gulp!) and the little darlings arrive the following Monday, eager to lear lots of Spanish, I’m sure. I stopped by my classroom a few days ago to check on it. When I left in June it looked like this.  On August 2, it was pretty much a train wreck. The IT elves have been hard at work “upgrading” our internet and leaving a path of destruction in the wake. I took a deep breath, closed the door and I’m just crossing my fingers and saying my prayers that when I open the door next week, the cleanup elves will have done their magic and we’re ready to hit the ground running!

Visit other schools- We currently have standing invitations from Episcopal, SSSAS, explore an area school this Spring semester

Spanish resources:

Buena Gente videos for Spanish
Buena Gente

Podcasts in Spanish NPR
Radio Ambulante

Get Students Talking with Ongoing Conversations

In our dreamiest of teacher dreams, some of us might imagine days when our students spontaneously erupt into complex, nuanced conversations about the things they’re learning in our classes. If we borrow the language of the Common Core, they would “engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade-level topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.”
Read more

Google Academy 
Google Certification Academy that opens just twice a year to prepare teachers for Level 1, Level 2, or Trainer-level certification. The next open enrollment period starts this week, from November 20 through December 4. Earning Google certification is a fantastic way to strengthen your  so if you think you might be interested,click here to learn more about the academy.

Public Speaking and World Language

Recently, Harry Strong sent us some information about public speaking.  In World Language, public speaking is one of our skill sets.  Take a look at what Harry offers us.

Another great public speaking resource from the New York Times is forwarded with this email.  If you choose to sign up for this event, remember the school subscription login and password:

username:; password: Librarian

Flipgrid Help:

If you go to your Flipgrid page and click on the topic, you can click on the SHARE button.  From here, you get a flip code.  Perhaps that is what was asked of students?  I suggest just sharing the Topic Link URL you get from this share page.  I just did that recently and posted the URL on Google Classroom.  Kids were able to click on the link and get to my grid.

Hope this helps!

Screen Shot 2018-11-12 at 9.10.07 PM.png

7th grade French students were surprised and delighted to discover their abandoned shoes outside of class filled with traditional gingerbread, oranges, and sweets! St. Nicholas must have snuck by!

Llama Santa!!


On a recent field trip to Fairfax's 99 Degrees restaurant, Ms. Liu's Chinese students had the chance to practice their language skills in an authentic environment! The students ordered food, conversed with one another, and described their impressions of the hotpot – all in Chinese.

7th Graders Promote Recycling en Español!

After receiving information from Mr. Pingree and Mr. Conroy, the 7th grade advanced Spanish students discussed recycling at school. They made posters in Spanish to mirror the information provided by Fairfax County as reminders to us all.

Conversación con Sra. Varoutsos
Sra. Crowley's 8th-grade Advanced Spanish class chatted with Sra. Varoutsos (en español) about what Potomac used to be like when she was a student in the IS and US. Students prepared questions ahead of time and inquired about all aspects of IS life including uniforms, sports, free time, homework load, teachers, and Potomac traditions.

Project Zero Online

Project Zero makes its research accessible to educators around the world through six, 13-week online courses offered twice a year, starting in February or in September. These professional education courses are research-based and grounded in the day-to-day work of teachers and administrators. Throughout the courses, participants apply what they learn as they learn, receiving personalized feedback from a coach as well as from fellow participants. Participants register for the courses with colleagues from their work setting, so the courses become a way to support collaboration and sharing within as well as across schools, districts, and organizations. Limited scholarship opportunities are available. The February 2019 courses are open for registration.

Project Zero Classroom

From July 22 to 26, 2019, Project Zero will host its annual week-long institute, "The Project Zero Classroom." In the company of PZ researchers and experienced educators from around the world, participants open up the questions at the heart of teaching and learning: What kinds of learning experiences and assessment practices will best prepare students for the demands of an unpredictable, ever-shifting future? How does understanding develop? How do we nurture critical and creative thinking? How do we ensure that all our students are learning? The institute features frameworks and tools developed through Project Zero's research, offering educators the opportunity to learn how these frameworks have been implemented and adapted in a variety of contexts, across grade levels and disciplines, to deepen student engagement, support learners in thinking critically and creatively, and make student learning and thinking visible. Participants engage in analyzing their current teaching and assessment practices and developing new approaches to planning and instruction that respond to the diverse ways in which their students engage and learn. Registration for the PZC and applications for scholarships will open later in December 2018. Check here to learn more.
Language Educators' Learning Portal


Next year's annual convention of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) will be Friday, November 22 through Sunday, November 24, 2019 (Pre-Convention Workshops scheduled on Thursday, November 21) at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC. The ACTFL Convention features over 800 educational sessions covering a wide spectrum of the language profession. The ACTFL Convention is a national event bringing together more than 7,000 attendees from all languages, levels and assignments within the profession. Submission Deadline: Friday, January 11, 2019 at 11:59 p.m. ET!

Minnesota? Only in the summer!

Summer Institute participants at lunch
Registration Opens January 7, 2019
2019 CARLA Summer Institute Program for Language Teachers
The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) at the University of Minnesota provides high-quality professional development for language teachers through an annual program of intensive summer institutes. Launched in 1996, this internationally known program reflects CARLA's commitment to link research and theory with practical applications for the classroom. Each institute is highly interactive and includes discussion, hands-on activities, and networking.
CARLA summer institute participants—more than 6,000 to date—have come from all over the world. They have included foreign/world language, ESL/EFL, and immersion teachers at all levels of instruction, as well as program administrators, curriculum specialists, and language teacher educators.
Join us for the 24th annual CARLA summer institute program!
Character Literacy Acquisition in Mandarin Immersion Classrooms:
Lessons from More- and Less-Proficient Readers—
June 17–21, 2019
Presenters: Tara Fortune and Zhongkui Ju
Based on research with Mandarin immersion students, participants will work collaboratively to identify instructional practices designed to strengthen the requisite character literacy sub-skills and move learners towards more fluent character processing and text comprehension.
Learn more:
Transitioning to Teaching Languages Online—online course
June 20–July 10, 2019
Presenters: Claudine Bouchaud, Marlene Johnshoy, and Frances Matos
This intensive three-week online course provides language teachers with the experience of being an online learner while exploring the basics of creating a successful online language class.
Learn more:
Using the Web for Communicative Language Learningonline course
June 27–July 31, 2019
Presenters: Marlene Johnshoy and Lauren Rosen 
In this five-week online course, participants will discover ways to use online tools to promote student language comprehension and production by motivating their participation and collaboration in the target language.
Learn more:
Language and Culture in Sync:
Teaching Linguistic Politeness and Intercultural Awareness—
online course
July 15–August 2, 2019Presenter: Noriko Ishihara
This three-week online course will provide teachers with practical insights on enhancing student learning of linguistic politeness and boosting students' awareness of intercultural differences.
Learn more:
Developing Assessments for the Second Language Classroom
July 15–19, 2019Presenter: Donna Clementi 
After an overview of assessment fundamentals, foreign/world language teachers will learn how to create a standards-based performance assessment unit for their teaching context using the principles of Backward Design.
Learn more:
Creativity in the Language Classroom:
Fostering Student Learning Through Creative Language Experiences

July 15–19, 2019Presenters: Anne Cummings Hlas and Amy Young
This fun institute is designed for second language teachers who want to promote creativity in their classroom while simultaneously improving learners' target language proficiency.
Learn more:
Exploring Learner Language: Puzzles and Tools in the Classroom
July 15–19, 2019Presenters: LeeAnne Godfrey and Elaine Tarone
The focus of this institute is on the growth and development of the language learners produce, and how that growth may be enhanced by creating engaging, puzzle-solving activities to use in the classroom.
Learn more:
Using Technology in Second Language Teaching—online option
July 22–26, 2019Presenters: Adolfo Carrillo Cabello, Marlene Johnshoy, and Dan Soneson
Participants will learn how to use technology to facilitate student use of the target language and get hands-on practice in using computers to promote students' interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational communication skills.
Learn more:
Exploring Project-Based Language Learning—NEW 

July 22–26, 2019

Presenter: Stephen Tschudi
Participants will learn how to use established principles and standards for high-quality project-based learning to create their own compelling and contextualized language learning project.
Learn more:
Using Authentic Materials to Develop Foreign Language Literacies
July 22–26, 2019

Presenter: Kate Paesani

Participants in this institute will learn how develop students' foreign language literacies through engagement with authentic written, audio, audiovisual, visual, and digital materials.
Learn more:
Culture as the Core in the Second Language Classroom

July 29–August 2, 2019

Presenters: Martha Bigelow and Kaishan Kong
After gaining a deeper understanding of how language-culture-identity informs their teaching, participants will learn how to integrate culture and language learning in their classrooms.
Learn more:
Teaching World Languages and Cultures in Elementary Settings—NEW 

July 29–August 2, 2019
Presenters: Blanca Caldas and Christian Belden
In this institute, participants will gain proficiency-based lesson design and assessment skills necessary to teach world languages and cultures at the elementary level.
Learn more:
Teaching Heritage Languages and Learners
July 29–August 2, 2019
Presenters: Jenna Cushing-Leubner and Jennifer Eik
Participants will learn how to create powerful learning environments to support the unique needs of heritage language learners in the classroom.
Learn more:

January 2019 OESIS Cohorts on PBL, Mastery & Global Leadership  Read More

Sarrina Wood, Teacher at Flint Hill School (VA) "As someone who went to the Napa Buck Institute PBL conference, I feel like this Cohort helped me go from an introduction in PBL to a full dive.  The Napa Conference was phenomenal in explaining PBL to me, and I got a crash course, but this course truly walked me through developing and implementing PBL.  I have a full plan for a full unit now: exemplars, a calendar, a grading rubric--the whole nine yards. Additionally, I have colleagues who are doing the unit with me and are so excited to use the ready-to-use materials.  This course has also given me the confidence to design more units on my own by following this format and mindset. This was truly a valuable experience."

Spring Break!

WL Meeting postponed 3:30-4:30 Division meetings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------...