Monday, September 11, 2017

New year, New Theme: Intercultural Competency

Congratulations on a great first week!

Our first department meeting is on October 4th - 3:30-4:30 IS room 184
Beginning the year news:

Spanish Descubre link:    VHL Supersite Tutorials

Building Bridges: The last two years we collaborated with Lower School and Middle School classes.  This collaboration took various forms whether during their library periods, Middle School Spanish periods or other times in the day that worked for both sets of teachers.  This year we would like to continue that goal and hope that you have made some connections with Lower School and Middle School teachers to reach out and find a time that works well.  These moments when our older students interact and teach language to the younger set are impactful.  The older students feel proud of how much they have achieved and the younger ones are connecting with languages to begin to make choices of what they are interested in for the future.  I encourage you all to connect and if I can facilitate this in any way please let me know.


We would like to welcome three new members to our department this fall
Doug McLane, US Head and US Spanish teacher
Qing Luo, IS and US Chinese teacher
Elba Lugo, IS Spanish teacher (maternity sub for Christine Varoutsos)

Year theme: Interculturality
We will be discussing ways to include interculturality in our classes.  Please watch this video (12 minutes) from VHL Central.

Interculturality: Where Language and Culture Meet - 1/19/2017 - vistahigherlearning

Cultural Competence- "The ability to work effectively across differences with curiosity and humility, and without judgement." 

-Alison Park

Remembering Students with Accommodations

7 systems that work for out of the box learners: great podcast with ideas for students
Listen to an interview with Seth Perler, executive function coach 

   ACTFL has put out statements in light of recent events:

ACTFL: We are both saddened and outraged by recent events in Charlottesville, Virginia. Racism, bigotry, and white supremacy, and the groups and individuals who promote these hateful ideologies, have no place in American society. The Board of Directors of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) shares your grief for those affected by the events in Virginia and reaffirms its commitment to linguistic, cultural, religious, gender, and ethnic diversity as a bedrock of strength and unity in the panoply of American life.

Against the backdrop of the current climate, teaching students to value the rich diversity in our classrooms and throughout our society can be challenging, but it is more important than ever. To help you facilitate this endeavor, ACTFL is making available gratis an important instructional resource: Words and Actions: Teaching Languages Through the Lens of Social Justice. We have made the eBook versions available free in our online store.

We stand united with the entire language community in rejecting intolerance and hate and look forward to working together toward a national healing process that begins in our classrooms with our students.

Reminder: ACTFL Conference
Once again we would like to send a department member to the annual ACTFL Conference.
Here are this years date and location: 
November 17-19, 2017  Music City Center, Nashville, TN
Click to go to their website

Blog question:What do you do in the first week of school? 

Spring Break!

WL Meeting postponed 3:30-4:30 Division meetings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------...